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About Us
About Us

During each tour, we will captivate
you with a live interpretive program on our marine wildlife, history and culture.
- Founder Paul Alcock

During each tour, we will captivate you with a live interpretive program on our marine wildlife, history and culture.
- Founder Paul Alcock


Our staff and crew would like to invite you to join us on an exhilarating Newfoundland experience. We are lifetime residents of Newfoundland who would like to introduce to the world, the natural wonders and Newfoundland spirit that binds many Newfoundlanders and ourselves to this delightful province.

We work here because we love and appreciate the island’s rich culture and natural environment. We want to share this passion with you. So come with us on an exciting journey of discovery.

This family (The Alcock’s) owned operation began in 1997 with a firm mission in mind. It’s our mission “to make our guest’s trip with us the highlight of their vacation by providing a highly entertaining learning vacation that reveals our unique culture and natural attractions.” Come be a part of our commitment to marine conservation and preserving our natural and cultural heritage.

Reservations: 1 (844) 999 2374

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Playful Whales & Dolphins

The St. Anthony coast is one of the best places in the world for viewing
humpbacks and Atlantic white-beaked dolphins.

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Playful Whales & Dolphins

The St. Anthony coast is one of the best places in the world for viewing
humpbacks and Atlantic white-beaked dolphins.

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John Pynn


Fishing Master Class 3

Steve Sheppard

Captain/Head Interpreter

Steve has completed a Marine Environmental Technology program with the Marine Institute of NL and is eager to share his knowledge with you. His passion and love for the marine environment is evident as you step onboard.

Kier Knudsen


In a previous life Kier was an Aerospace Engineer and Commercial Pilot. He grew up in the Newfoundland fishing industry and has spent his whole life on the water.

Mo "Molly Cool" Hyduk


If anyone belonged on the water its Captain Mo! Ever since she could walk Mo has spent as much time as possible on boats of all kinds, in both fresh and salt water. Now completing a Marine Biology degree and preparing for a Masters in Animal Behaviour, Mo would love to tell you about every fish, mammal, bird, or crustacean you can find in our ocean.

Varrick Snow


Varrick Snow

Kim Macklin


Kim Macklin

Paul Roberts


Paul Roberts

Karley Simmonds


Karley Simmonds

Anastasia Knudsen

The Voice of Reason

Anastasia Knudsen